Layanan Perusahaan
Deep Cleaning - Ranjang / Tempat Tidur
Masuk untuk melihat harga
Mensterilkan dengan panas sampai 170° Celcius
Mengangkat dan membersihkan noda membandel pada bahan kulit / kain dan bahan lainnya. Deep Clean difungsikan untuk membersihkan noda bercak yang sulit hilang yang terdapat pada permukaan sofa, kursi, kasur, karpet dll.
Dengan menggunakan obat khusus yang diimpor dari Prancis, telah bersetifikasi dan ramah lingkungan.
A Deep, Healthy Clean
As one of the leading professional cleaning companies Celebrity Clean offers comprehensive cleaning services for your residence or business. In addition, we offer upholstery cleaning as well as restoration services. Our years of experience combined with using the latest equipment and dedication to doing the job right is why more people are calling our company to get the best in professional cleaning services.
What you can expect from our professional cleaning:
- Hot Water Extraction Method (deep steam cleaning)
- Professional cleaning equipment
- We will move all your furniture
- We will clean under all furniture
- Friendly and reliable cleaners
- Dry furniture in minutes
- Best prices in town
- You will pay only for the cleaning